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Group Therapy Training Program

The Sacramento Center for Psychotherapy in California, USA, together with CAE in Indonesia, offer a training program in group psychotherapy for Indonesian psychotherapists and counselors. 

The Introductory Course Online

8AM-1:30PM Jakarta time

Course Description:

1. Group Psychotherapy Foundations: Historic, Contemporary, and Cultural Perspectives
2. Group Structure and Dynamics
3. Group Formation and Group Development
4. Group Leadership: Tasks and Skills
5. Group Psychotherapy in Action: Ethics, Neuroscience and Personal Style
This course fulfills the 15 hour theory required to become a Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) by the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA). 


Haim Weinberg, PhD, is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist and group psychotherapist. He is a group analyst and Certified Group Psychotherapist in private practice in Sacramento, California. He is the past President of the Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy and of the Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society (NCGPS). Dr. Weinberg was the Director of International Programs at the Professional School of Psychology

Who should attend:

Psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, pastors and allied health staff including social workers, play therapists, occupational and physio therapists. 



Minimum Undergraduate degree/ Master's degree in any mental health discipline



3 online meetings, 5.5 hour each. 

The group will be open only with a minimum of 15 participants. 
The course will be bi-lingual, with translation from English to Indonesian.
Certificate will be given by the Sacramento Center of Psychotherapy to those completing the entire course.

If you are interested to join please fill up your information through this link:


For further questions kindly contact: 

Dr. Haim Weinberg at

Yudi Hartanto at CAE: 08176028863,